Strange New World of Gender

Start: Friday 14th March 7:00pm
End: 9:30pm
Holy Trinity
Trinity St,

Booking info

This event is managed externally - Click the button below to book now.

This evening will be an opportunity to examine the 'strange new world of gender' - new ideas about gender and their impact on our culture and people's lives - from biblical, medical and practical perspectives.  

We will explore how we can help children and young people to grow up in this confusing environment and grow into a healthy relationship with their bodies, gender expression, and sense of identity – one rooted in God's love in creation and in Christ.

All are welcome, whether interested in this topic as a parent, a youth worker, a young adult, a live issue at work, or for another reason.

Chris Townsend is a former lawyer, charity trustee and author of "Gender: Where Next?" (Cambridge Papers, 2016).

Owing to the sensitive nature of some of the material covered, this event is open to those aged 18 and over only.

Doors open 7pm and the event starts at 7.30pm.