This event is jointly organised by the Norfolk and Suffolk Gospel Partnerships
A great opportunity to enjoy time together and to sharpen our skills as preachers, whether we’re starting out or have been preaching for years. William Taylor (St Helen's Bishopsgate) will lead us in a ‘deep dive’ into 1 Thessalonians, and there will be a further session on ‘The Pressures and Delights of Ministry’.
We’ll also have plenty of time to chat, opportunities to pray, and time for a leisurely stroll along the beach.
All this for £85.
Wednesday 4th June
12.00 Arrive
12.30 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Meeting 1 - Principles of Exposition with William Taylor
15.45 Tea
16.30 – 17.45 Meeting 2 - Groups
18.30 Dinner
20.00 Meeting 3 - 1 Thessalonians with William Taylor
Thursday 5th June
08.00 - 09.00 Breakfast
09.30 - 10.30 Meeting 4 - Groups
11.00 Coffee
11.30 – 12.30 Meeting 5 - 1 Thessalonians with William Taylor
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Meeting 6 - Groups
15.30 Tea and depart