Speaking Life in a Digital Age

Monday 11th March
CityGates Church
2-6 Botolph St,
£6.00 Each
Price includes food

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Nate Morgan Locke - film maker, Bible teacher, reformed mythologist and part of the team at Speak Life is joining us to help us engage with a world who are struggling to hear God’s voice amidst the melee screaming through every screen scroll.

How do we communicate the gospel in an age of information overload. How do Christian historic creeds help us as we tell the life-giving story whilst fake news and cynicism dominate. And how do you cut across the unending voices online to engage with a brand new generation?

Join us for lunch and and afternoon with Nate as he shares his thoughts in two sessions:

> Gaps in our Gospel? How the Apostle's Creed can help us to share the good news of Jesus.

> Evangelism and the Attention Economy: How the Internet changed our outreach.

Timings for the day: